In Macaronesia, there are ten species of breeding pelagic seabirds that are victims of light pollution. Due to their sensitive eyes and nocturnal behaviour, they are victims of glare. Disorientated, they collide with buildings, cars or streetlights, falling to the ground. They are then vulnerable to being run over by cars, to predation by cats and rats, to poaching and even to dehydration. Due to their inexperience, juveniles are the most affected by this problem.
Almost a quarter of bat species are under threat worldwide. These nocturnal animals are among the groups most affected by light pollution, which influences ecological interactions and has adverse effects on their feeding, breeding and communication behaviour.
Nine species of insectivores are present in Macaronesia. They play a fundamental role in the health of terrestrial ecosystems by controlling pests and disease-carrying by insects.
Nocturnal insects are also affected by light pollution. Attracted by the lights and with their sense of direction disturbed, they become more vulnerable to predators, flying incessantly around the luminaires. As they play an important role in ecosystems, the decline in their populations also has negative effects on birds, bats and other pollinators.
In Macaronesia, there are about 170 species of nocturnal butterflies known which lack information on distribution and updated conservation status.
Light pollution has impacts on society, individuals and on their activity. In health it causes visual fatigue, disturbed rest (due to the decrease in melatonin production), headaches and stress. It is also associated with pathologies such as depression and mood disorders.
It affects astronomical activity, as in most urban areas, and especially in large cities, it is almost impossible to observe the stars.