The exhibition “For a night with more life” is now available in Madeira!


This information material was designed with the aim of increasing awareness of the actions of the LIFE Natura@night project, illustrating the threat of light pollution and its impact on nocturnal biodiversity.


The exhibition made its first appearance at the Casa da Cultura Santa Cruz / Quinta do Revoredo, where it remained open to the public during the II Santa Cruz Environment Week. However, we are looking for your help so that this itinerant exhibition can be shown in as many institutions as possible, including schools, town halls, libraries and other spaces capable of hosting these seven 2.5x1m structures.

Elisa Teixeira
Elisa Teixeira
Carina Moreira

It is also a valuable tool for educational establishments wishing to address the issue of light pollution. By bringing it into the school environment, it will provide students with a visually appealing introduction to the subject.


If you would like to request the display of this material at your institution, send an e-mail to and , with the subject line: “Exhibition “For a night with more life” | Name of institution”.


Help spread this important message in favour of the conservation of nocturnal biodiversity!